Family Owned and Operated Since 1935 Frandor : 517.332.8628 - Dr. Ellen Dohr O.D. West Saginaw : 517.323.4027 - Dr. Doug Ekholm

Category Archives: Eye Health

Reduce Exposure to Blue Light, Inside and Out

Risks of blue light exposure have become a topic of discussion in recent years. More eyecare professionals and scientists are studying the effects of blue light to assess the effects of relying on blue light for so much of our lighting. It’s hard to say for sure how much added blue light exposure may lead…
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Kids and Computer Vision Syndrome

Most of us remember being told not to sit too close to the TV because it would ruin our vision. Well, that may have been an exaggeration of the actual dangers of sitting too near a tube television, but new risks are at play when it comes to electronic screens and the eyes of our…
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Don’t Forget UV Protection This Winter

Most people think of sunglasses as summer gear, but in some ways, it’s even more important to wear sunglasses in certain winter conditions than in the warm summer months. Thanks to public awareness campaigns about the risks of skin cancer, more people are aware that UV rays and intense sunlight are bad for our skin.…
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Eye Floaters, Flashers, and Spots

Eye doctors often get asked about small specs that appear to float through someone’s field of vision. Even very young people may notice on occasion a spot that appears when they look at a light, plain surface. The good news is that there is no reason to be alarmed! Eye floaters are simply how we…
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